
What is a notary Public?

A Notary Public is an attorney who possesses in-depth knowledge of a set of legal facts, and the processes involved therein. A Notary Public needs to be admitted and authorised by the High Court to witness signatures, draw and attest contracts and statements, and authenticate the validity of certain documents. 

Notarial Documents

By law, the following documents need to be drawn up by a Notary:

  • Antenuptial Contracts
  • Long-term Leases
  • Servitudes (personal and praedial)
  • Cession of Rights in Sectional Title Schemes
  • Notarial Bonds

What are Notarial Deeds?

Notarial deeds are documents that are required to be notarisedThis entails a Notary having to draft up the document prior to it being signed and witnessed in the presence of the Notary. Notarial deeds include, among other things, ante-and-post nuptial contracts, deeds of servitude, deeds of cession of usufruct, notarial leases, trust deeds of donation and notarial bonds.

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